Out of the steamy, sweltering heart of south Alabama, where the red clay bakes beneath a relentless sun, Sketoe's Ghost sprang forth! 👻 Then like a renegade tumbleweed on a wild spree, it wandered... soaking up a myriad of musical influences, and evolving into a style so untamed, it resists those pruning shears-wielding sticklers who might insist such unbridled exploration be reduced to rigidly-tidied genres. 

Rooted in the gritty sounds of southern Americana, yet branching out into dimensions of soul, funk, and rock, while sprouting unpredictable tendrils of bluegrass, punk, and even Latin rhythms, their music is a dense thicket; intertwined with kudzu-like jams that expertly weave amidst well-crafted songs howling with evocatively insightful lyrics. 

Now, having taken root in the fecund soils of western North Carolina, Sketoe’s Ghost has added yet more fresh elements to their already potent bubbling brew, resulting in a musical garden that blossoms with a most tantalizing fruit — perfect for producing those sweet sweet southern jams in a sonic feast that's as intoxicating as it is addictive!

Contact The Band: sketoesghost@gmail.com

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